Etipack Friction Feeder: Whizzy SM (Stepper Motor)

Whizzy Stepper Motor automatic sheeter, sheet counter and flat product distributor


The Etipack Whizzy SM is an automatic friction-feeding machine for feeding and dispensing flat products with the highest precision, at a selected point.  The Whizzy SM is fitted with a precision stepper motor for high-speed distribution of coupons, leaflets, greeting cards, stickers, package inserts, smart cards, sachets.


The Whizzy Step Motor model is the most accessible of the Etipack friction feeder family thanks to its stepper motor and integrated electronics that allow for easy integration on to production and packaging lines.Flexible in terms of performance, accessories and available sizes, the Whizzy SM is equipped with a stainless steel and die-cast aluminum structure treated in Niplate® 600, which makes it also suitable for use in the food and pharmaceutical industry.

Whizzy SM is very versatile and it covers a wide range of products, such as coupons, leaflets, greeting cards, stickers, package inserts, smart cards, sachets with thickness up to 3mm, or up to 8mm with a special configuration.

It is available with horizontal or vertical terminal and in two widths; Whizzy 210 and Whizzy 350, according to the maximum size of the product. It is also equipped with a display keypad for advanced management of data exchange with the machine and the line.


Features of the feeder

  • Single product feed adjustable product loading stock
  • Double shoulder structure in cast aluminum treated Niplate® 600
  • Adjustable product loading stock. Loading also with sheeter in operation
  • Fixed rear foot kit
  • Feeding system with parallel rubberised belts
  • Single product scraper with micrometric thickness adjustment
  • Horizontal distribution terminal with overlapping flat belts
  • Stepper motor with a feedback control system (speed 60 M/min)
  • Stop sensor
  • Integrated electronics
  • Display keyboard for speed programming and counting; counted products collector (package creation)
  • Product presence control
  • Minimum load control in the stock

Ancillary devices

  • Base support structure
  • U-shaped support structure
  • Encoder
  • Stirrer kit
  • Air Table

Features of the feeder


Features 210 (H) - 210 (V) 350 (H) - 350 (V)
Dispensing speed Up to 80m/min
pcs/min with product step
Up to 80m/min
pcs/min with product step
Product sizes
(width x step)
Min: 50 x 55 mm
Max: 210 x 180 mm
Min: 50 x 50 mm
Max: 350 x 180 mm
Product thickness 0.2 - 3mm 0.2 - 3mm
Product dispensing Horizontally (210 H)
Vertically (210 V)
Horizontally (350 H)
Vertically (350 V)
Motor type Stepper motor with feedback control system Stepper motor with feedback control system
L x W x H
687 x 402 x 660mm (H)
451 x 402 x 880mm (V)
687 x 552 x 660mm (H)
530 x 552 x 880mm (V)
C.B. dimensions
L x W x H
400 x 200 x 600mm 400 x 200 x 600 mm
Power supply 230V, 50-60 Hz 230V, 50-60 Hz
Electrical input 150W 150W


Etipack Friction Feeder - Whizzy SM (Step Motor) (PDF, 0.23MB) ALS_Etipack_Brochure_Web_rev02-2024 (PDF, 2.83MB)