Pick and place machine for placement of products from a stack
The Etipack Clippy Placer is a pick and place machine that uses vacuum pads to pick products from a loading stacker and place them horizontally onto a packaging line. Depending on speed requirements, the Clippy Standard model placer is available in either pneumatic or brushless versions and places flow-wrapped items, sachets of 2, 3 or 4-sides, flat cartons and cards made of non-porous materials.
Clippy is available in a pneumatic version with a speed up to 50 pcs/min or with brushless motor with a speed up to 120 pcs/min, with single loading stack or multiple loading stack to dispense more products.
The programming keypad, on the brushless version, will allow the operator to set speed and control functions in a user-friendly way: automatic speed adjustment, multiple product distribution, control of missing picking with automatic stop.
Features of the Clippy pick and place
- Adjustable loading stack
- Mechanical device with vacuum pad for horizontal positioning
- Control on missing picking
- Venturi vacuum pump
- Safeguards on kinematic
- Separate control box (remote terminal up to 3 m) with integrated PLC* (brushless version)
- Separate control panel (remote up to 3 m)
- Brushless motor/pneumatic actioning
- Base support structure
- Start for product picking and placing
- Control on minimum load
- Programming keypad* (brushless version)
- Vacuum pump (according to products)